Category Archives: Fernando Basilio

Does September 23, 2017 Fulfill Rev 12:1,2?

(Originally written: Aug 20, 2017)

Proof is offered in some religious circles that a future September 23 planetary alignment in the constellations Leo and Virgo is supposed to demonstrate the fulfillment of the “sign” in Rev 12:1,2.   The scenario:

First, NASA shows the alignment in the constellations Leo and Virgo on September 23.

Leo (with 9 stars) will appear over Virgo. The sun is above Virgo and the moon under Virgo’s feet. It is claimed the planet Jupiter will enter Virgo in her “midsection” then travels down between her “feet.”

Three (3) planets will appear aligned under Leo with its 9 stars.  The effect will show a total of 12 luminaries.

Interpreted, the celestial phenomenon means the Virgo (“Virgin”) will bear a son (“Jupiter,” the king of the planets), that is, the Messiah. (One prognosticator sees the birth of the Church here.)

Second, this celestial phenomenon is claimed to fulfill Rev 12:1,2 which says,

A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown on twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.

NASA shows the (planetary-Virgo-Leo) configuration will be seen on September 23. So, let us ask the question: Does the celestial configuration mean a prophetic fulfillment of Rev 12:1,2?

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