My Father’s Day Sermon
Text: Psalm 127
See also Gen 18:18,19; Psa 78:1-8; Prov 22:6,15; Eph 6:1-4, 10-18
WHAT MAN DOES is “in vain”
“in vain” (3x)
- “unless the Lord builds the house”
- “unless the Lord watches over the city”
- “in vain… to wake up early and stay up late working for food”
That is:
In this Psalm, man’s projects (“toils”: e.g., build a house, watch over the city, looking for food):
- are contrasted with God’s project, and shows:
- why we must invest in God’s project. For:
UNLESS we are engaged in God’s Project whatever else we may be doing… IS IN VAIN!